Thursday, April 24, 2008

The New F-word

I am a fundamentalist. Better make that a Fundamentalist with a capital F!

There are certain absolute truths that are basic to my foundation. Without certain foundational (Fundamental) principles which must be adhered to there really is no need for principles at all!

A great concern of mine has been the number of Christian leaders who have been denouncing Fundamentalists as extremists. My heart aches for those who believe such teachings.

The same holds true with open source.

In yesterday's AP article, Nicholas Negroponte's quote "One can be an open-source advocate without being an open-source fundamentalist." really cut to the core. Either you are a person of principle or you are not.

In my faith and in open source, I am proud to be a Fundamentalist!

"a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children" is now joining with proprietary interests which stifle education and the sharing of knowledge. With regrets, I can no longer support OLPC1

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